Patient Info
At Eye Associates of Washington DC, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and quality care . If you have medical insurance , it is your responsibility to provide our practice with your insurance information to help you receive your maximum allowable benefits. However, all financial liability rests with the patient. Please have your photo identification and current insurance information available at your visit to ensure that your claim can be processed promptly.
Insurance Companies and Non- Covered Services
Our office participates with many major insurance companies . It is a patient’s , parent’s , guardian’s responsibility to:
- Be familiar with the benefits of your plan, including co- pays, coinsurance and deductibles.
- It is your responsibility to find out from your insurance company whether or not the insurance company will cover the service provided.
- Bring all of your current insurance cards to all visits
- Provide our practice with current information including address, phone numbers and employer.
- In accordance with your insurance contract, you must be prepared to pay your copay and or deductibles at each visit. We accept cash, checks and all major credit cards for service.
Patient Acknowledgement & Consent
Financial Policy
Contact Lens Order Form